Week 1 | Welcome

Welcome to Production Print 2

First off we will be starting things off differently this year due to Covid-19 and as we all have been making adjustments in our last for this past year, it comes as no surprise, I hope, that this course will be entirely online. 

That said, this course will still be able to provide resources and materials for the production and destination of your materials by first looking at installation work as art and considering new aspects of how to display work for a specific venue/location and audiance.

This semester we will be printing but this time in a completely new way, by sending our work out to a printer.  This is a new experience and important for you to learn about, addressing the question once you leave Dawson, what now?? and where do I get my work printed!!???

Before we get started let's sit back and take a look at this:

Alec Soth at work

Photo Lab

The reason why this lab was selected was in part due to the affordability for a students budget and the various paper surfaces offered. 

This can be an opportunity to see your work printing on different papers, such as C-41 prints, a you digital file exposed to classic colour photographic paper suited for Black and White and Colour prints.

